The Coalition of Natives and Allies (CNA) is a cross-cultural collaboration of Native Americans and allies who value cultural diversity and respect for all peoples.
Through education and advocacy, CNA aspires to teach the truth about Native American histories, modern day Native issues and bring awareness to the trauma caused by negative and archaic stereotypes used for sports mascots.
By highlighting the bias and prejudice these stereotypes cause, CNA strives to end the harmful use of Native American misrepresentation in schools.
What You Weren't Taught in School
The CNA offers an educational program consisting of a documentary film followed by a native-led Q & A session conducted either in person or by Zoom.
The film, Native Women and Allies Speak: What You Weren’t Taught in School, tells the hidden history of Native American peoples in the U.S. alongside the personal stories of the three Indigenous women in the Coalition — Donna, Ramona, and Kelley.

I was overwhelmed by the quality, vulnerability and depth of the storytelling and information presented in this film.

Trailer for film "Native Women and Allies Speak: What You Weren’t Taught in School"
The film is divided into 5 chapters. If the film is used by schools, the chapters can be adapted into numerous lesson plan formats. It is appropriate for grades 9 through adult. Upon request we offer customized, age appropriate programs for elementary and middle school.
Chapter 1: Stealing kids to kill the Indian in them
Chapter 2: How U.S. culture uses Native People as mascots
Chapter 3: How did it all start?
Chapter 4: This was, and is, genocide
Chapter 5: Reconciliation, healing and taking action​
​We invite you to write us to find out how to show this film to your group.​
Educational Program Reflections
"I was moved, touched, grieving, and so deeply grateful to you, the speakers, the host, and for your willingness to educate us."
— Barbara Simmons, Former Executive Director, The Peace Center; Adjunct Professor, International Peace and Conflict Resolution at Arcadia University
"True learning and healing happens when we can see the world through the eyes of others; when we can open our hearts and minds to the experiences of others and when we can truly feel what all humans have in common."
— Armistead Webster, Head of School, The Swain School